Google has recently unveiled a new logo for its Android operating system, which features a capital A and a 3D droid head. The new logo is part of a larger rebranding effort that aims to showcase Android’s evolution and innovation over the years.
The new logo is designed to be more modern, simple and recognizable, while also reflecting the diversity and inclusivity of the Android community. The capital A represents the core of the Android platform, while the 3D droid head symbolizes the creativity and personality of the users and developers. The new logo also uses a brighter green color, which is more vibrant and energetic.
In a statement to 9to5Google
We’re showcasing some elements of our new brand identity on various surfaces, including our CES booth from earlier this year and other campaign materials like digital & banner ads. We’ll have more to share in the coming months.
The new logo is expected to roll out across all Android devices and platforms in the near future, along with other changes such as new icons, fonts and animations. Google hopes that the new logo will inspire more people to explore the possibilities of Android and join its growing ecosystem.
What do you think of the new Android logo? Do you like it or not? Let us know in the comments below!